
Clinical chemistry

International External Quality Assessment Program


External quality control (EQAS) complements the laboratory internal quality control and is an essential tool to verify the accuracy of results and to evaluate the laboratory measurement procedures’ performance. The external control programs compare the result obtained in laboratory with a reference value and with the results of all the participating laboratories analyzing the same sample.

Since 1999, BioSystems, S.A. has run an international external quality assessment scheme (EQAS) known as Prevecal. Prevecal offers laboratories the possibility to complete their internal assessment scheme with an objective estimate of the quality of their measurement procedures

What functions can make PREVECAL?

  • Estimate the interlaboratory variability
  • Compare and assess methods
  • Determine a reference value of the measurand
  • Demonstrate a laboratory's performance
  • Guide to the possible causes of error
  • The program is a result of BioSystems' policy of collaborating actively with laboratories to obtain analysis results with the minimum error.

    BioSystems, S. A (PREVECAL) is accredited according to ISO 17043: 2010 with accreditation Nº12/PPI020.

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