
Join Prevecal

International External Quality Assessment Program


In order to apply for registration for one or more programs, the laboratory should fill in the Laboratory Identification.

This is a non-binding application. In some days, the PREVECAL organisation in your country will contact you to confirm your inclusion in the program and it will provide you with the participating code.

Moreover, the laboratory Quality Control responsible should fill in the codification forms and send them to its country organisation.

We thank you for your application for participation.

All Fields Are Required

Laboratory manager name   
Laboratory name   
Street, Avenue, District, etc.   
Number, Floor, Door   
City, Location   
State, Province   
ZIP, Postal Code   
Register for Clinical Chemistry program

Register for Autoimmunity program

In accordance with the provisions of European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679, we request your assent to be able to send information related to External Quality Control Program PREVECAL, organized by our company, by electronic or postal means.


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