

International External Quality Assessment Program

General runnings

If you are interested in PREVECAL Autoimmunity (HEp-2 IFA, nDNA, CELIAC and ANCA) submit the aplication form on Prevecal website or contact with your BioSystems local distributor.

Once submitted, filled in and sent the Identification sheet. Then, you will receive the control material from the program required. Inside the kits you will find:

  • control sera labelled with the month in which they must be analysed,
  • instructions sheet with the preparation, stability, storage, etc. of the control material.

Prevecal organization will send you a Laboratory code and an initial password. This password must be changed the first time to access to Prevecal website.

Results can only be sent by Prevecal website as:

  • go to Laboratories Access and enter your laboratory code and the password
  • choose the program (HEp-2 IFA, nDNA, CELIAC and ANCA)
  • input the results and confirm with Save
  • a confirmation message will appear automatically

Deadline results are day 15th of each month (exception: January deadline is day 31st).

In case of error, you can modify the results until deadline is over.

The organization will process the results and make the corresponding report in maximum 15 days after deadline is over.

At the end of the year, Prevecal organization makes the final report and a Certificate of Participation.

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